WordPress Integrates with WooCommerce

Contact our team of web professionals for a detailed quote to help you meet your business goals

Easily Add & Manage Products

Easily add and organize your products with categories, attributes, and tags. Manage your shop with the WordPress / WooCommerce dashboards with ease.

Sell Locally or Globally

Explore our products to learn more about your insurance options, and receive a quote within minutes.

Highly Trusted Platform

25% of the top 1 million e-commerce websites are utilizing the features of WooCommerce for their business operations

Commerical Security & Analytic Monitoring

Our team at Orion Intelligent Systems prioritizes the security of our clients, and understands that any threat can pose financial impact

Why Choose WordPress as your E-Commerce Platform?

  1. Freedom: When you use WordPress, you have complete ownership of your e-Commerce store. No third party controls how you run it. This independence allows you to tailor your business to your specific needs and preferences.

  2. Massive Community: WordPress powers more than 43.1% of all websites on the internet, and a significant portion of these are e-Commerce stores. By choosing WordPress, you become part of a vast online community of business owners who run their businesses on this platform. This community provides support, resources, and valuable insights.

  3. Wider Availability: WordPress supports more payment gateways than any other e-Commerce platform. It also facilitates multilingual e-Commerce stores, allowing you to reach customers in various currencies and locales.

  4. Growth Hacking: As the most popular solution, WordPress integrates seamlessly with most marketing and growth hacking tools. This makes it easy for you to expand your e-Commerce business over time.

  5. Cost-Effective: The WordPress software itself is free. While you’ll need to pay for hosting, domain names, and add-ons, the flexibility to choose your own services allows you to control costs effectively.

  6. Zero Transaction Fees: Unlike many other e-Commerce platforms, WordPress does not charge transaction fees. You only pay fees to your payment service provider (such as Stripe or PayPal) and your bank.

Get Started today!

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that enables users to create an online store using WordPress. It is a popular eCommerce platform that powers more than 25% of eCommerce stores in the top 1 million sites worldwide. WooCommerce is open source, meaning that any developer can audit, modify, or extend the code. It is beginner-friendly, and you don’t need to become an expert developer to create a store. WooCommerce allows you to sell digital and physical products, take secure payments, manage inventory, and sort all your taxes automatically. It also integrates seamlessly with WordPress since the same company, Automattic, owns WordPress

Orion Intelligent Systems is a Minnesota based Limited Liability Company. Our mission is to enable each of our clients to operate on a professional and high quality platform without the hassle of having to manage it.

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